Saturday, 21 September 2013

The Hill Towns of Provence

I think the credit card gods are against me! Last week I was checking to see whether I had received the credit for the Ibis Avignon bookings (see previous post) only to find a transaction on my card for $3,208 from Domayne Homebush (which was definitely not mine!). I rang Australia from Spain to notify them and hoped to get it sorted. At least this time we spoke the same language! Anyhow to cut a long story short, this morning I received a "Fraud Credit Adjustment" on my card for that amount. Yay! 

Today we drove around the hill towns of Provence and it was picture-postcard stuff! It probably wasn't what I'd originally planned for the day (as we had thought we'd see some of the more major towns to the south such as Arles and Aix-en-Provence) but being a Saturday, we decided to steer clear of those towns and head for the smaller towns to the north - Gordes and Roussillon especially were fantastic.

We also visited an abbey where rows of lavender run almost up to the front door! Its quintessential Provence except lavender is not in season at the moment! According to postcards, it looks a treat at the right time of year.

Tomorrow is a long drive north to the Loire Valley. Hope you are enjoying the blog…I'm loving taking the photos! 

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